Be A Chapter
Greyhound Pets of America welcomes reputable Greyhound adoption groups supporting
our Mission and position of racing neutrality to apply for integration into the GPA family.
There are many benefits to joining our organization:
- Utilizing the GPA National 501c3 non-profit tax exempt status
- Financial Assistance/Grants. Examples are grants that have been given to chapters for purchasing trailers, vans, and kennel repairs.
- Emily Griffin Injury Fund Grants - grant for broken legs, other unexpected outstanding vet injury/illness bills.
- PR by National such as ads, additional website exposure, press releases by National, bumper stickers, banners, etc.
- 800# assistance and forwarding.
- Assistance with IRS Auditing if needed.
- Inter chapter assistance if needed.
- Natural disaster assistance such as the Katrina aftermath - food and money.
- Track closing assistance or assistance with a chapter that is foremost involved with a track closing and needs extra financial assistance.
- National meeting continuing education.
- ...And credibility and legitimacy that comes with being associated with the leading national Greyhound adoption organization.
*The Chapter Development Committee is responsible for approving and overseeing
the development of new Greyhound Pets of America groups.
There are three phases, or levels for GPA affiliation:

Whenever feasible, the new group will begin as a satellite of the closest Full GPA Chapter in its region. This will be for a period of at least, but not limited to, six months, during which time the Satellite group will function as an extension of the Full Chapter, and gain the tools from the leadership of the Full Chapter necessary to achieve Affiliate (formerly Sub-Chapter) Status. During this time, the Satellite group may be approved to raise and maintain its own funds, with complete disclosure to the Full Chapter for record keeping purposes. The CDC will oversee this entire process in conjunction with the Full Chapter.

Affiliate/Sub Chapter
Functions as an independent Chapter as outlined in our Policy and Procedures Manual, but under the guidance and leadership of the CDC for a period of no less than six months before applying for Full Chapter status. No National voting rights, or National Board seats are given at this level.

Full Chapter
Upon approval of the application, the Affiliate Chapter becomes an Full Chapter within the GPA framework, and functions with all the same responsibilities and duties as outlined of our Policy and Procedures Manual, including holding a Board seat, and having full voting rights.
If your group (or proposed group) is located over 50 miles from the nearest GPA group, agrees with our Mission Statement and position of racing neutrality or support racing, and is interested in applying for GPA admission, you may begin the process by submitting the application online, or by downloading the Screening Questionnaire (.pdf file) and sending the completed document to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.